Miguel Sanchez, head of Mass Ideation, has partnered with top brands such as Coca Cola and Google, to create impactful and innovative digital experiences since 2009. He help brands, agencies, and startups take advantage of technology and storytelling. His love of giving back to the community has driven him to pay it forward, and wants to teach minorities about using digital real estate to get a leg up and improve quality of life. His eyes were opened when he was watching domain names selling at auction for hundreds of thousands of dollars. He knows how to leverage opportunity and understands the power of being an early investor, and wants to show you the ropes in this exclusive interview!
About Miguel:
His interests lie at the intersection of storytelling and innovation. Having worked many years as an Art Director, Animator, and Developer, for some of the biggest agencies and brands in the world, he uses his unique experiences to help his clients at Mass ideation solve their storytelling and technology challenges.
Many years ago, he knew the next wave of storytelling technology would be Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and now Mixed Reality so he began researching and developing using Unity and many different SDKs. Through Mass ideation, he has worked with brands like IHOP, Nickelodeon, the Bronx Zoo and LexisNexis creating immersive stories in ways never seen.