$560,000,000+ in Premium Domain Name, Digital Asset Brokerage and Auctions Transactions / Board Advisor, Real-estate investor, Developer and Entrepreneur
He was one of the early pioneers and started investing in domain names in 1994/95 and started the first online domain brokerage business in the industry. His success includes more than $550,000,000 in domain sales & brokerage, including the industry’s first domain name sale for over $1 million dollars with the sale of Wallstreet.com and the industry’s first $2 million dollar domain sale with the sale of Autos.com in 1999. Later, he sold the highest dollar domain in history with the sale of Porn.com for $9.5M and Slots.com for $5.5mm. He is also the visionary behind Live and online Domain Auctions. He was also the creator of domain appraisals, domain escrow and Whois Privacy services, for the industry.
The man who pioneered many mainstays within the domain selling process, back before .com was mainstream…He left his job when his domain name, wallstreet.com, sold for a million dollars, (a first at that time in the industry) and has been the domain selling mogul ever since.
In this exclusive interview, he tells how he did it, and how you can too.